Reaching the Marketplace for Jesus
Prayers and workers welcomed!
Memorial Park in Taneytown, Md 21787
Call in at: 443-867-6807 or 6809
Call Pastor Don for more info. 443-867-6809 CLICK Events 2023 for current and former events
Stay up to date with all of the events and good work that Agora does here! If you'd like to volunteer for any of these events, pleast contact Pastor Don Frazier by e-mail or by phone at 443-867-6809

AGORA 10th Annual Banquet
Report to the People
Friday, November 11th 6:30 PM
Honoring Veterans, Recognizing Volunteers and Sharing our Vision
$35.00 in advance, $300.00 table of 10 and $40.00 at the door. All are welcomed!
Donations can be made to:
AGORA Evangelism Ministries
211 E. Baltimore St
Taneytown, MD 21787
Join us to Praise God for His Goodness
In prayer, fellowship and giving.
For more information call Robin 443-867-6807

Guest Speaker: Dr. Justin Cooper
MC: Middle East & Defense Correspondent
Kenneth Timmerman
Awards, Prizes and Surprises!

NO SKYPE THIS YEAR! SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: PASTOR ELTON From Malawi Africa received his VISA and will likely join us in person! Come to the banquet this year to hear his amazing testimony!

Carroll's 2016 Autumn Indoor Flea Market
Benefit : Carroll County, Ag Center
OCTOBER 22, 2016 8AM to 2PM
Danele Shipley Memorial Arena
The Harvest is Ripe!
DEC. 17 8 - 2PM
Enjoy the holidays with AGORA!
Get some Christmas Gifts and then give the Agora Gift that explains the Lords' Gift of Eternal Life!

September 14 - 18, 2016
Sword of the Lord Conference July 25 - 28, 2016

JULY 18th - 23rd
Allegany County Fair
Partnering with Pastor Klink and the Solid Rock Baptist Church, over 300 souls came to know the Savior at the Fair! The Church prayed, believing, that they would double last years numbers and they far exceeded that 246 goal. Thanks to Pastor Daniel Anderson and his folks from Harmony Baptist Church who also pitched in one night. AGORA Executive Director Don thanks Solid Rock for their kind hospitality. PRAISE GOD for loving people more than anything!
Monday, May 30th AGORA
has a trip to the mall in DC to honor
our HEROES by exercising our
1st Amendment rights !
We will remember those who died for us. One died for our freedom, the other for our soul.
We can pick you up:
8:30 AM -AGORA HQ, 211 E Baltimore St, Taneytown
8:45 AM Frizzellburg
9:00 AM Open Door in Westminster
Thank you for all who joined us in DC! 62 saved!

AGORA’s Spreading the Gospel at Home and Abroad!
African conferences & revivals:
over 10,000 saved since Christmas 2015
Carnival Season Gearing up!
God’s word speaks to hearts the same in Africa as in America! You can be a part of AGORA’s carnival and fair season witnessing too! 700+ saved at carnivals in 2015
Sign up to work a couple carnivals for a few hours! Monies raised at last years’ banquet help us rent spaces and provide bracelets and back scratchers for sharing Christ at the following carnivals:
Union Bridge May 30 – June 4 96 saved
Taneytown June 13 – June 18 53 saved
Manchester July 4 – July 9th 75 saved
Reese July 18 – July 23th 74 saved
Hampstead Aug. 15 – Aug. 20th 88 saved
Take advantage of the
opportunity to share the
Gospel at these events.
Your prayers are also
much appreciated!

Allegany County Fair July 18 - 23 315 saved
Barton Party in the Park Sat. Aug 4th 13 saved
Jane Lew Arts & Crafts Festival Sept 1 - 3rd 39 saved
Anne Arundel County Fair week Sept 14 - 18 121 saved
Hundreds will come into the Kingdom because soul winners commit to GO!
To help, call Don at 443-867-6809

April 10 -
Agora Missionary Pastor Don Frazier presents ministry - Preaches all services
at Bark Hill Bible Church, Union Bridge MD Continue to pray for Pastor Milton Lambertson's soon recovery!

ABRA 2016 Philippine Trip
JANUARY 6 - 19th
JANUARY 30 - 8am - 2PM
Winter Flea Market
Danielle Shipley Arena at the AG CENTER