Reaching the Marketplace for Jesus
Prayers and workers welcomed!
Memorial Park in Taneytown, Md 21787
Call in at: 443-867-6807 or 6809
Call Pastor Don for more info. 443-867-6809 CLICK Events 2023 for current and former events

Agora Evangelism Ministries is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit Christian outreach ministry headquartered in the United States, dedicated to leading souls to Christ by introducing them to His free gift of Salvation and training soul winners so they are effective in reaching the world with the Gospel.
We believe the best way to engage people is to go to them, as Jesus did, in the marketplace. You'll find our volunteers, which we train and equip to make a clear presentation of the gospel, everywhere from local carnivals to state fairs, at national events and in international locations. Agora teaches local and foreign churches how to share Christ to reach their communities and partners with them to set up evangelism booths at community events so they can provide follow-up and effective discipleship to those newly saved.
We do not charge any money for any of the things we do, or the materials we hand out to the people we encounter. We exist and operate on charitable contributions, alone. The Salvation of Christ is given freely to us; we, in turn, bring people to the Lord without cost to them.
Through our efforts here in the states and abroad, over 75,000 people have come to know the Lord as their Savior. They have been given the opportunity to know and grow in Him and enjoy a life that has peace that passes all understanding! Praise God for His goodness!
Read a tribute to one of our founding members, Dr. Larry J. Staner.
Agora Evangelism Ministries is presided over by a group of volunteers with specific roles and functions.
AGORA Board:
Daniel Heisey,
Donald Frazier
Robin Frazier
Dr. Norris Belcher, Chaplain
Joseph Taylor, Past Chairman
Pastor Daniel Anderson
Michelle Staner
211 E. Baltimore Street
Taneytown, Maryland 21787
General inquiries may be directed
to Pastor Don Frazier by e-mail
or by phone at 443-867-6809

Daniel is the owner of Heisey Oil in Mt. Joy, PA. He has been a small businessman and entrepreneur for over 40 years. His experience in running businesses and interest in seeing folks come to know the Lord makes him a strong leader. He has a get it
done attitude and is generous with his time and resources. Daniel was the catalyst for getting the Soul Winners Club started in his home church and is organizing for other churches in Lancaster County to take the training. Elected to serve as Chairman in December 2019, the Agora Board is looking forward to his new ideas and assistance.

Virginia is retired from administrative office work, though she still serves part time in that capacity at a local car dealer. In August of 2002, Virginia married Frank Elgersma, whose wife had been an amazing witness during her terminal bout with cancer,one of reasons Virginia came to a saving knowledge of Jesus. She’s been blessed to serve the Lord, since then, in personal soul-winning. Virginia and Frank have taken Operation Go and the Soul Winners Club training and have been teaching Sunday school for "bus kids” for some time now. She is delighted to serve on the Board of Agora Evangelism Ministries and Agora is delighted to have heras one of our leaders, with her administrative acumen and heart for lost souls.
Donald Frazier holds a Masters’ Degree in Ministry from Lone Star College in Texas. Executive Director of Agora Ministries, Inc., Pastor Frazier oversees all the activities and financial matters for the Agora Ministry. Pastor Frazier plans and executes events, training seminars,and Soul Winning Clubs. He directs foreign relief work, community out-reach training, discipleship and bookstore activities in Kenya, Malawi Liberia and Uganda.
Under his leadership, Agora has grown as Don has trained dozens of local churches and trained and recruited leaders in several countries to effectively share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. During his tenure a US Headquarters has been established and the Board members increased to seven. Owner and Treasurer of Frazier Machine, Don has extensive experience in running both nonprofit and for-profit businesses having held executive level positions for over 30 yrs.
Robin Bartlett married Donald Frazier in 1984 and they have served the Lord together in bus ministry, choir, teaching in Sunday School and Vacation Bible School, and building new programs in the church such as AWANA and the Soul Winners Club. Robin has received ministry training in a two-year discipleship course, and formal training for prison ministry through the Good News Prison Ministries, having served on both their local and state Boards. Being called to serve in government and holding elective office following a career in finance, Robin brings knowledge helpful to the Agora Board in fundraising and managing volunteers.


Virgina Elgersma
Vice Chair

Here, you'll find relevant documents pertaining to our status as an organization.
Additional documents will be added as they become available.
State of Maryland Certificate of Good Standing